Michigan men have won seven Big Ten titles in that period.
Say, what happened to being a Michigan man and proud of it?!
By the end of the war, more than 90,000 Michigan men had volunteered to fight.
In one of two cases that led to the Court's decision, a Michigan man forfeited his house because he had processed marijuana there.
The Michigan man, class of 1964, had several reasons to arrive here Wednesday.
More than 90,000 Michigan men, nearly a quarter of the state's male population in 1860, served in the war.
Perhaps she remained in that region after the Michigan men left.
Even for a 21-year-old Michigan man and an Olympic gold medalist, this represented a big step.
It involved a Michigan man who forfeited the value of his house because he had processed marijuana there.
One Michigan man who signed up for a casino's private self-blacklisting program found the owners all too accommodating when he had a change of heart.