He was excited about selling the juice for 25 cents during a marathon race in his Miami neighborhood, until no one stopped to buy.
In Miami neighborhoods, they are often sold in conjunction with other frozen confections in ice cream trucks and stands throughout the city.
Sipping Pellegrino, she regales the table with a story about the time she drove her convertible into a dangerous Miami neighborhood for a song-writing session.
(The expression is thought to have originated with rapper Trick Daddy, who hails from the Miami neighborhood of Liberty City.)
Another incident that has attracted the attention of federal authorities and citizens' groups was the 1997 shooting of a homeless man in Coconut Grove, a Miami neighborhood.
Grant was raised in a tough Miami neighborhood, Brownsville, and started playing basketball in eighth grade.
The Royals like their tough Miami neighborhood are multi-ethnic street gang led by Troy (Leon Isaac Kennedy).
The Metromover serves primarily as a fast and easy way to travel within the greater Downtown Miami neighborhoods.
Signs calling for Jean-Juste's release reportedly became a common sight around the Miami neighborhood of Little Haiti.
The members of the group operated out of a small warehouse in the Miami neighborhood of Liberty City.