Eastern Airlines said last night that customers who had purchased tickets could get refunds through the company's Miami headquarters.
The fast-food company issued a statement from its Miami headquarters stating simply that Ayer will continue to create advertising and place media.
Outside the immigration agency's Miami headquarters, average citizens made their voices heard today.
A new theme, new logo, and new set for the show's Miami headquarters debuted on January 4, 2010.
Mr. Suarez will be relocating from Chicago to the agency's Miami headquarters.
In the Miami headquarters of Mastec, he pauses beside a portrait of his father.
American officials acknowledge that there is little chance for new military aid to the rebel army, and the movement's Miami headquarters was recently closed.
He plans to visit its Miami headquarters next week.
The Miami headquarters has over 10,000 square feet of space and is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In an announcement from its Miami headquarters, the nation's second-largest fast-food company said it would spend $215 million during the next 12 months on advertising and marketing.