Yet to accusations of opportunism from their own political opposition, Mexican officials answer that their stand against Proposition 187 is an inevitable response to the changes taking place in Mexican-American relations.
Mexican-American relations were a primary topic of the 1860 State of the Union address by Buchanan.
But the damage to Mexican-American relations appears to have been done.
It's still good for Mexican-American relations.
Mr. Gunning sees the seeming nonchalance of the lovers as more of an allegory about Anglo- and Mexican-American relations than a true endorsement of incest.
This shift toward globalism offers a tremendous opportunity for improving Mexican-American relations.
The ABC Powers arbitrated and U.S. troops left Mexican soil, but the incident added to already tense Mexican-American relations.
Should I be elected, I will use that November summit to keep Mexican-American relations moving forward.
Yet both say a lot about the dreary state of Mexican-American relations and President Bush's unfulfilled promise of a new golden age in neighborly ties.