Real Mexican wages have declined by more than 40 percent in the last six years.
Work for Mexican wages and you will regret it.
Mexican wages are $1.50 an hour and gas there is 15 percent cheaper.
The Mexican minimum wage, earned by 17 million people, buys a quarter of what it bought 20 years ago.
Experts point out that low Mexican wages also remain a big attraction.
That capital, officials say, will raise people's living standards as it slowly narrows the gap between Mexican wages and those paid across the border.
The increase comes after a 30 percent decline in Mexican wages this year.
Mexican wages for workers in the maquiladora sector range from about $2 to $2.50 an hour, including many benefits and labor taxes.
Yet how well the unions will do in raising Mexican wages is uncertain.
Critics say there is no way American workers can compete with low Mexican wages.