The effort, which is scheduled to be completed in time for federal elections in August, will require the re-registration of more than 40 million Mexican voters.
But at least she will be able to convey the message of dissatisfaction of the 50 percent of Mexican voters who did not support him.
Polls show that a majority of Mexican voters favor one or another opposition party.
This is a reference to the precinct in which the Parr machine created 203 more votes for Johnson, many from allegedly dead Mexican voters.
The move follows a decision by the governing party, known as the PRI, to hold a primary that will be open to all Mexican voters.
The rustic central square, with its wrought-iron gazebo and noisy brass band, was packed with Mexican "green voters" who turned out for a campaign rally.
"Mexican voters don't like personal attacks," he told me ruefully.
Polls show that at least a third of Mexican voters believe the election was fraudulent and nearly half support a full recount.
As Mexican voters prepare to cast ballots today, many express both frustration with the ruling party and a reluctance to face change.
Pedro Cruz, a 49-year-old construction worker, is typical of the Mexican voters he has been attracting to his speeches here.