A big drawing card for Mexican and Mexican-American tourists is the Selena statue.
It isn't fair to say that this place isn't 'touristy' when it is - but flocks of Mexican tourists instead.
Later, Quick Kick and Outback are stuck in a bus full of Mexican tourists that is under siege by terrorists.
October 3 - 22 Mexican tourists are kidnapped in Acapulco.
The Gulf Coast of Mexico, however, remains a mystery to most except for the Mexican tourists who flock there.
Many of the patrons are Mexican tourists.
The statue is a popular attraction for Mexican tourists; there is a special significance in having Jesus at the heart of their country.
The town is attracting an increasing number of Mexican and international tourists because of its pottery, which is helping the town's economy.
Quiroga - Thriving market town with crafts of varying qualities and busloads of Mexican tourists to buy them.
It's increasingly popular with Mexican tourists, but it remains off the radar of most foreigners, except for a few in-the-know Texans.