Springs kept open a Mexican plant included in the purchase.
Corn Products has closed one of its four Mexican plants and canceled plans for a $100 million investment in Mexico this year.
In its two Mexican plants, it pays $1 an hour for the same work that costs $11 here.
American and other foreign companies ignored the bitterly fought presidential campaign and continued to move work to Mexican plants.
He published more than 250 papers on pharmacology of Mexican plants and on physiology.
He was also interested in the industrial uses of Mexican plants.
He was soon offered the job of running the new Mexican plant, but declined, considering it "too boring".
At the Mexican plant, workers start at $5 a day, with only a few technicians earning as much as $15.
This would take place in the Mexico City and show the different kinds of Mexican plants that are one of a kind.
About 550,000 people were then employed in Mexican plants, called maquilladoras.