Their earliest publications were Seri reading primers that were published by SIL in cooperation with the Secretaría de Educación Pública after developing the first alphabet for the language under the guidelines of that Mexican ministry.
In 1985, the Mexican ministry of education declared Memín Pinguín required reading in public schools because "it promotes respect for the family and institutions in students."
Brazil has signed the Tlatelolco Treaty banning nuclear weapons from Latin America, the Mexican foreign ministry said.
The Mexican interior ministry banned the film because of a series of burglaries mimicking its heist scene.
During his tenure, he established African American and Mexican American ministries and gave special attention to low-income parishioners and Houston's large Vietnamese community.
The Department of State is further encouraged by recent discussions with the Mexican Central Authority regarding plans by the Mexican foreign ministry to allocate additional resources to the program.
Altogether, Mexican consular officials have intervened in 261 death penalty cases since December 1994, and in 119 of those cases prosecutors did not proceed with a capital prosecution, according to the Mexican foreign ministry.
It is centered on the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, a square surrounded on three sides by an excavated Aztec site, a 17th-century church called Templo de Santiago, and the modern office complex of the Mexican foreign ministry.
The safe way to enter another country is to obtain your passport from the Mexican foreign ministry, and a visa from the embassy or consulate of the country to which you wish to travel.
But Mr. Anaya said the Usumacinta project is "a purely binational" effort that involves three Mexican ministries and their Guatemalan counterparts.