His paintings included portraits and Mexican landscapes resulting from his youthful travels there.
On the blanket lies a Mexican landscape with a colonial church as the highest point and residential areas spreading down the hills.
His travels as a teacher influenced his work, which features farm workers, laborers and Mexican landscapes.
By certain measures, the drug traffickers could be said to be winning the war; they have certainly become an integral part of the Mexican landscape.
His own bullet whistled away into thin, thin air, high above the Mexican landscape.
Much of the Mexican landscape is too arid for these commodities, and farmers there have small, inefficient plots.
It is hard to imagine the Mexican landscapes without Eurasian grazing animals.
And the northern Mexican landscapes are identified with huge latifundios with thousands of head of livestock.
Photography studios were set up so that soldiers could buy sketches of themselves and Mexican landscapes as souvenirs.
Volcanism is a common part of the Mexican landscape.