A Mexican coin, dated 1780, was found, confirming that the building was in use at that time.
In 1910, a new peso coin was issued, the famous Caballito, considered one of the most beautiful of Mexican coins.
The medals were actually Mexican coins that had been smoothed down on one side and had the information carved into them.
First printed on May 1, 1852, they were reedemable at face value for gold or silver Mexican coins.
She died impoverished and forgotten, but was later remembered when she became the first woman to appear on a Mexican coin.
He is noted for formerly using an old five peso Mexican coin as a guitar pick and use of pinch harmonics in his solos.
The cap had also been displayed on certain Mexican coins (most notably the old 8-reales coin) through the late 19th century into the mid-20th century.
From 1853 onwards, trade with Asia was typically done with Mexican coins that kept their weight and purity in the 19th Century.
Lightfoot went on to say that the only known artifact recovered near the skeletons was a Mexican coin from the second quarter of the 19th century.
This, then, was an old Mexican coin, probably gold of considerably purity.