Pedro Infante is said by many to have been the greatest Mexican actor and singer of all times.
He appeared in over 200 films and served as the General Secretary of the Mexican actors' union for 11 years.
Leonardo Daniel is a Mexican actor and director, who was born in 1954.
Mario Navarro was a Mexican actor, active in the 1950s and 1960s.
The Mexican actors in this film, all extras, are the butt of racist jokes.
Cantinflas, the Mexican actor, was the great relajero of all time.
His name is a tribute to the Mexican actor.
The 1988 election, and the opposition parties' initial success in it, expanded the number of Mexican political actors.
Ricardo Chávez is a Mexican actor who has worked in theater, television and film.
The two Mexican actors got married in a civil ceremony on November 19, 2004, after 27 years of sharing their lives.