He indicated that there were few known Mesolithic sites, and all of those on the coast.
A few Neolithic monuments overlie Mesolithic sites but little continuity can be demonstrated.
Hazelnuts have been found on other Mesolithic sites, but rarely in such quantities or concentrated in one pit.
It is generally regarded as the most important and informative Mesolithic site in Great Britain.
Normally all that remains on Mesolithic sites are stone tools.
The first archaeological record of what could be a prehistoric battle is at a Mesolithic site known as Cemetery 117.
Mesolithic sites in Kõpu peninsula are presented by the seal-hunters' settlements.
To the south of the Wood there is a Mesolithic site first studied in 1956 which yielded many worked flints.
In addition an unusual form of Mesolithic domestic site was found, a semi-permanent site for families called a 'homebase'.
Most of the Mesolithic sites in Ireland are coastal settlements.