"It's an extraordinary case of an inverse relationship between advertising and results," said Mervin Field, a veteran pollster here.
Mervin Field, who heads the poll, says the riots' most important political meaning may be "as another sign of failure by the established political order."
Patrick alleged that a pollster, Mervin Field, had accepted money to influence a poll in the campaign.
Mervin Field is an American pollster of public opinion in the state of California.
Mervin Field is a highly respected leader within his profession.
"The bloom is off the rose," said Mervin Field, the dean of California pollsters.
"His initial success may do him in because now he's aloft and people are looking at him," said Mervin Field, the state's leading pollster.
"The public is less and less interested in voting," said Mervin Field, a leading California pollster.
"Dukakis has a real chance of carrying California," said Mervin Field, the independent poll's director.
Mervin Field, the California poll taker, said virtually the same thing about his state.