Mercury and cadmium are toxic and may cause environmental damage if they enter rivers or rain water.
Mercury, which is especially dangerous to the unborn fetus, can cause damage to the central nervous system, leading to deafness, numbness, reduced vision, loss of coordination and trembling.
Mercury may cause health problems if present in public or private water supplies in amounts greater than the drinking water standard set by EPA.
Mercury can cause tremors, irritability, sleeplessness and, in high enough concentrations, kidney and neurological disorders.
Mercury can cause interfere with development to the central nervous system in children.
Mercury can also cause psoriatic, neurological and possibly ophthalmological complications.
Mercury can build up to toxic levels in the human body and cause neurological damage.
Mercury can cause both chronic and acute poisoning.
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin and often caused many of the symptoms it was supposed to treat.
Mercury causes neurological damage, including lost IQ points, in unborn babies and young children exposed during the first few years of life.