LEAD: Robert Miller Lunny, the former director of the New Jersey Historical Society, died Saturday at Morristown (N.J.) Memorial Hospital after a long illness.
LEAD: Theodore Kaghan, a former Foreign Service officer and journalist, died of heart failure Wednesday at Brattleboro (Vt.) Memorial Hospital.
LEAD: David C. Wood, a lawyer specializing in admiralty law, died of heart failure Monday at Sarasota (Fla.) Memorial Hospital.
LEAD: Dr. Joseph Barnett, a psychoanalyst who specialized in the field of personality development, died of heart failure Sunday at the Sarasota (Fla.) Memorial Hospital.
LEAD: John Patrick Walsh, an insurance lawyer in Manhattan for almost 57 years, died Saturday at Morristown (N.J.) Memorial Hospital after a long illness.
LEAD: William H. Callahan, a geologist and former manager of exploration for the New Jersey Zinc Company, died Thursday at Newton (N.J.) Memorial Hospital.
LEAD: Russell W. Johnson, a former vice president and general manager of the communications division of the Panasonic Company, died Wednesday at Morristown (N.J.) Memorial Hospital.
LEAD: Stephen E. Rothbaum, a managing director of Morgan Stanley & Company, investment bankers, died of heart failure yesterday at Morristown (N.J.) Memorial Hospital.
LEAD: Anna Lois Jones, a supervisor with the Newark Housing Authority for many years, died of cancer May 20 in the Orange (N.J.) Memorial Hospital.
Ernst Freese, a scientist who was an expert on chemical influences on reproduction and cancer, died of a cerebral hemorrhage on Friday at the Frederick (Md.) Memorial Hospital.