In some Catholic countries, the tree is seen as a recent Protestant or Cultural colonialism detracting from the Mediterranean traditions of the Christmas crib.
IN French terminology, a dish with tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, peppers, olives and saffron is considered to come from the Mediterranean regional tradition.
They can be found from the Early Middle Ages, in Celtic, Germanic and Mediterranean traditions.
It was certainly Etruscan forms and Classical forms, the whole Mediterranean tradition.
Unfortunately the Romans were gross feeders and heavy drinkers, and commonly drank undiluted wine contrary to the usual Mediterranean tradition.
The Mob, consisting of 19 women, is reviving, the program said, "the ancient Mediterranean tradition of women's ceremonial drumming and ritual celebrations."
Consider, for instance, trying to transplant that most lovely of Mediterranean traditions, what the Italians call la passegiata (the after-dinner stroll), to a typical American home.
The style is a blend of Insular art, as in the Chi-Rho initial shown, and Mediterranean traditions, possibly including some from early Carolingian art.
Verges 50 (1980) Folkish arrangements in the Mediterranean tradition.
The World Music Institute's fourth annual Greek festival reaches deep into Mediterranean traditions.