According to ecologist Javier Romero, who has studied the plant for 10 years, sea grass "is absolutely fundamental to the proper functioning of the Mediterranean ecosystem."
Invasive species have become a major component of the Mediterranean ecosystem and have serious impacts on the Mediterranean ecology, endangering many local and endemic Mediterranean species.
Although the BDRI volunteering project focuses primarily on bottlenose dolphins, BDRI volunteers also experience the complex Mediterranean coastal ecosystem in which we live and work.
Cistus species are obligate seeding, early colonizers that follow disturbance, particularly fire, in low maquis-type Mediterranean ecosystems, rendering their ectomycorrhizal ecology particularly intriguing.
The production of Iberian pig is deeply bound to the Mediterranean ecosystem.
In Germany he is considered as one of the rare German experts for Mediterranean ecosystem and fire ecology.
Invasive species coming from the Red Sea and introduced into the Mediterranean by the construction of the canal have become a major component of the Mediterranean ecosystem.
Impacts of exotic forest pathogens on Mediterranean ecosystems: four case studies.
Neither Mediterranean marine ecosystems and fish stocks, nor fishermen and society at large, can afford a new failure by the CFP to fully address Mediterranean fisheries this time.
In the Hala'ib region, Afrotropical elements have their northern limits at Gebel Elba, making it a unique region among Egypt's dominating Mediterranean and North African ecosystems.