Child custody and domestic violence cases, housing discrimination, divorce, consumer fraud and Social Security and Medicare entitlements make up the majority of the agency's case load.
Even before it was announced today, Republican leaders in Congress complained that the proposal would create a new Medicare entitlement at a time when the program already faces long-term financial strains.
The Bush administration has presided over a $400 billion expansion of Medicare entitlements.
But virtually no one believes it is a good idea to dramatically expand expensive Medicare entitlements while drastically cutting taxes.
At that time, it may become necessary to set an age limit - perhaps in the late 70's or early 80's - on Medicare entitlements to expensive life-extending procedures.
Those blows would be hitting the budget at the same time that the costs of the new Medicare prescription drug programs approach $100 billion a year and as the flood of baby boomers start to claim Social Security and Medicare entitlements.
Yet Mr. Thomas was right to declare the principle because the existing Medicare entitlement, lacking a drug benefit, is seriously deficient.
But they would be occurring just when Social Security and Medicare entitlements are expected to soar as a result of baby boomers' retirement.
So single-income families collect 1 times the Social Security benefit and twice the Medicare entitlement a single person with the same income receives.
Mr. Bush proposes adding a Medicare entitlement, prescription drug coverage.