While more families are living below the poverty level, Medicaid enrollment continues to drop.
In addition, States must submit data to document a significant increase in Medicaid enrollment among children over the course of the fiscal year.
Reductions in Medicaid enrollment are, in fact, fueling an increase in the number of people who are uninsured.
State officials said they expected to see an increase in Medicaid enrollments and in their administrative costs.
And Medicaid enrollment has jumped almost 10 percent, 3 percent more than expected.
Loss of income and medical insurance coverage during the 2008-2009 recession resulted in a substantial increase in Medicaid enrollment in 2009.
Nobody can say for sure why Medicaid enrollment has fallen, but analysts offer many reasons.
As Robert Pear recently wrote in The Times, at least seven states have reported declines in Medicaid enrollments and traced them to the new requirements.
That approach would allow increases in total spending as Medicaid enrollment grew, a particular likelihood in times of recession.
Morris Heights sees its share of cheats, like the worker fired for demanding $75 from people for help with Medicaid enrollment.