But ever-creative New York concentrated on taking maximum advantage of Medicaid dollars.
But such an overhaul could transform the health care landscape in New York, where hospitals, nursing homes and other medical providers rely heavily on Medicaid dollars.
Increased support from Congress is essential; additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services should release millions of Medicaid dollars currently prohibited for inpatient treatment.
We are fighting over the Medicaid dollar.
Other plans supported by southern governors would reduce New York's share of Medicaid dollars significantly more.
The program is not financed with Medicaid dollars but rather with revenues collected through, among other things, taxes on insurance policies, hospital bills and cigarette sales.
Let the city invest its $6.2 million to focus on those who have historically perpetrated the greatest Medicaid frauds, ripping off millions of Medicaid dollars each year.
As part of their defense, Arkansas officials have argued that abortions for rape and incest victims have never been financed with Medicaid dollars.
"So if there was, let's say, $500,000 in Medicaid dollars spent - and that's not atypical - there likely would be no home left," he said.
Many, including New York, use a portion of Medicaid dollars.