The specialist, Bob Walker of Media, Pa., who is licensed to fit people with hearing aids, calls his invention the Walker's Game Ear.
While the rest of the drivers prepared for today's Cleveland Grand Prix, Danny Sullivan was sitting at home in Media, Pa., yesterday.
He was born in Media, Pa., a community about 12 miles west of Philadelphia, on December 6, 1866.
Her address is 3430 Providence Road, Media, Pa. 19063 (215-359-3700).
Laura Yow, a Barnard sophomore from Media, Pa., said sources often question her nationality.
"We love him, first, because he's winning," Shaun Young, a fan from Media, Pa., said.
Surveys like the Sindlinger Household Money Supply Report, which is published in Media, Pa., cast doubt, however, on such views.
Born in Media, Pa., he graduated from Howard University in 1932 and earned a law degree at Temple University.
The $5,000 first prize went to Richard Wernick of Media, Pa., for his 1990 String Quartet No. 4.
His father, Barry Sherwin of Media, Pa., is an independent computer programmer there.