McKinley Avenue (1952)
To alleviate the traffic on Route 72, a four-lane bypass road known as McKinley Avenue was built in 2001, backing up to the many shopping centers.
It is located in the median of McKinley Avenue, in the heart of University Green.
The accident occurred on North Conduit Avenue near McKinley Avenue, the police said.
The gardens are located at 123 McKinley Avenue, in Youngstown, Ohio, United States.
But even from the first, in ball games outside his parents' house on McKinley Avenue, neighbors said, stardom was what he seemed to want.
Within the city limits of Omaha, it is McKinley Avenue.
The highway turns back to the north at McKinley Avenue.
The district is located on 52nd Place between McKinley Avenue on the east and Avalon Boulevard on the west.
It is located in the median of McKinley Avenue on University Green, the northern quadrangle of campus.