Does anybody out here know what that Maypole dance really stands for?
Often the Maypole dance will be accompanied by other dances as part of a presentation to the public.
After luncheon, to his relief, came the official proceedings of the day, beginning with the Maypole dance.
The maypole dance has seduced people in Europe and America for centuries.
Most maypole dances stick to the springtime calendar while adding some modern touches.
He had gotten down off the stage without Fay, who managed to vanish at some point during the Maypole dance.
There will be entertainment, speakers, exhibitions, representatives from 40 organizations dedicated to peace and labor's history and a Maypole dance.
For information on the Western Europe folk dance see Maypole dance.
'Windshield Wiper' There were ribbons to be adjusted for the maypole dance.
The changing fortunes of the maypole dance are exemplified in Long Beach, Calif.