People in city government, wondering why the Mayor has not cut bait yet, offer several possible reasons.
The Mayor has cut spending on capital projects significantly since taking office nearly two and a half years ago.
"It's because the Mayor and the Governor have cut $600 million from the transit system over two years."
Missing are any details on how many jobs the Mayor would cut from each agency; that makes it impossible to judge the impact on services.
The Mayor would not cut his ambitious plans for police hiring, aides said.
Since then the Mayor has cut more out of the school budget than the last two administrations combined.
Mayor, could the glass in the window cut some of the light?
The Mayor must cut services even while proposing an overall increase in spending because of the structure of the budget.
"If the Mayor can cut 25 percent from his office, the agencies should be able to cut some too."
The Mayor of London is cutting the ribbon and we're anxious to make a good impression.