"Knowing some Mayan legends has advantages," Ramon continued.
Each Baktun lasts almost four centuries, and many scholars agree that, according to Mayan legend, each previous Baktun has terminated in some form of universal disaster.
Xtabay - A foul hag from Mayan legend.
Another interesting group is those composers that have tried to develop a Yucatecan operatic tradition based on Mayan legends.
An alternative theory reports that the name is derived from Mayan legends, in which the bird was a king who served as a messenger between humans and the gods.
He used to visit us in Guatemala and grill my father about his knowledge of the Mayan legends.
"It's just a Mayan legend."
Hun Hunahpu accepted and entered the portal to the Black Road, which was represented in Mayan legends as the mouth of a great serpent.
Mayan legend claims the great teacher, Kukulcan, was engaged in a long, cosmic battle with Hurakan, pitting the forces of good and light against darkness and evil.
The series presented a story arc in which a huge black metal sphere strikes Tokyo and ancient Mayan legends appear to be walking the Earth again.