For worse and better, the May 4 incident remains the most important thing that ever happened at Kent State.
The counter-guerrilla is running an offensive and has a finger in the 1 May incident.
A junior officer was suspended from duty following the May 12 incidents.
Casey has pleaded not guilty to the aggravated assault charge in the May 14 incident.
The charge stemmed from a May 29 incident that also involved her twin sister, Barbara.
Also the situation was unstable after the May incidents.
He was a member of the Hong Kong team for the 19 May incident.
One spokesman said this week that the May 12 incident was widely known, since it had been "extensively covered in the Belgian press."
After the May 23 incident the three were quickly seized by student demonstrators and turned over to the police.
During the May 1980 incident, West, then 87, had to be evacuated.