On December 1, 2012, Dunigan signed with the Perth Wildcats as a temporary replacement for the injured Matthew Knight.
His son, Matthew Knight, plays basketball for the Perth Wildcats in the National Basketball League.
Returning home, Havens heads to an address she remembered from Miller's iPhone, where she finds his parents and learns that his real name is Matthew Knight.
A young boy named Timothy (Matthew Knight) approaches his 13th birthday, unaware this marks the time of his transformation.
Matthew Knight as Timothy Talbot - A half-blood, the offspring of Varek and Rachel.
Skinwalkers Timothy (Matthew Knight) is about to turn 13, at which point his werewolf genes will kick in.
Ethan Morgan (Matthew Knight) is a geeky freshman, not trusted by his parents to stay home alone with his little sister Jane.
It is named for chief donor Phil Knight's son, Matthew Knight, who died at the age of 34 in a scuba diving accident.
Ethan (Matthew Knight) is the series' and pilot film's protagonist.