Stevie Richards would also replace Matt Striker, for unknown reasons as well.
But out of school - on the professional wrestling circuit - he was Matt Striker, a muscleman known for a move called the lung blower.
The pre-show match was announced by Matt Striker and Josh Matthews.
However, they defeated Matt Striker and Cru Jones one week later.
Angle exposed him as Matt Striker again, before defeating him for the third consecutive time.
The next day he debuted for the brand and defeated Matt Striker, beginning a feud with him.
Even after kissing Matt Striker while dancing, Cole would go on to win via impersonation.
Matt Striker mentioned Perkins' Puma name during commentary for the match, relating to his speed and agility.
Mondo lost the championship to Matt Striker on April 30, after holding it for just over a month.
Matt Striker (February 23, 2010 - June 13, 2012)