"Great Expectations" was used as a track in the video game Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX.
Ned discovers that Mat Hoffman, a famous biker, is coming to his school, and he doesn't want to catch the flu so that he can meet him.
When Mat Hoffman emerges from unconsciousness, he will not know who he is or what he has done.
Seth has appeared on Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 as a playable character.
"Bicycle stunt wouldn't have evolved as quickly without Mat Hoffman," said the pro rider and HuckJam regular Kevin Robinson.
"I identify more with somebody like Laird Hamilton, Mat Hoffman or Tony Hawk," he said.
In 1987, at the age of 15, Mat Hoffman became the youngest rider to join the freestyle BMX circuit.
The following year, the track "Great Expectations" from the same album was also included in Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX.
First Attempted by Mat Hoffman in 1993 and landed in 2001 by Adam Strieby, this maneuver is common among today's pro class.
Coincidentally, Mat Hoffman was also attending this event as his first national.