Chair of the Maryland delegates to the Republican National Convention, 1972.
Smith was chosen as a Maryland delegate to the Continental Congress in 1777.
The formal signing of the Articles by the Maryland delegates took place in Philadelphia at noon time on March 1, 1781.
Pat McDonough - Maryland delegate.
He served as a Maryland delegate to the Peace Convention of 1861 and from 1861 to 1862 served in the Maryland House of Delegates.
Four Maryland delegates and one delegate from both Mississippi and North Carolina also switched their vote to Garfield, bringing his total to 50 votes.
Failing to find any support for a bill of rights, Martin and another Maryland delegate, John Francis Mercer, walked out of the convention.
"Ronald Reagan," said Bill Shepard, a Maryland delegate.
I have a full slate of Maryland delegates.
As is required, Maryland delegates to the 1964 Democratic National Convention voted for Brewster on the first ballot, then voted for Lyndon Johnson.