And I came to the conclusion that the Marxist model was a real historic blind alley, and that we, too, were caught in a historic trap.
In the first sense it is used for the bourgeoisie, the urban merchant and professional class that stood between the aristocracy and the proletariat in the Marxist model.
Stylistics has thus begun to converge with aspects of Marxist criticism, especially with the language-centred Marxist models of literature discussed in Chapter 7.
The revisionist school sought to counter interpretations of the English Civil Wars that had been advanced by historians influenced by Marxist and Whiggish models of historical development.
Ever since then, I've been fascinated by the competition between the Western model and the Marxist model.
Soboul's position and the entire Marxist model of the French Revolution have come under intense criticism since the 1990s.
Since the 1980s, a new cultural geography has emerged, drawing on a diverse set of theoretical traditions, including Marxist political-economic models, feminist theory, post-colonial theory, post-structuralism and psychoanalysis.
He begins by reminding us that monopolies have not progressively wiped out non-monopolies, as the traditional Marxist model predicts, but have tended to reach agreements with them instead.
He nevertheless saw it as a useful model for analysing socio-economic development when combined with a Marxist model.
Some researchers, especially in early British cultural studies, apply a Marxist model to the field.