Contemporary Nicaragua, however, offers a revealing example of the problems which still confront Marxist leaders of a predominantly peasant-based economy.
In Nicaragua, he has been portrayed in editorial cartoons as a Superman-like figure capable of terrorizing corrupt officials and the nation's former Marxist leaders.
Santiago was at the center of the 1973 coup (although its tentacles spread quickly) that deposed Salvador Allende, the world's first democratically elected Marxist leader.
Her first marriage, to Harry Bridges, the fiery Marxist leader of the West Coast longshoremen's union, required a change in legislation.
Cuban soldiers first came here in 1975 at the end of Portugal's colonial rule to help Angola's Marxist leaders establish an independent "people's republic."
Marxist leaders also escaped to India where they participated in the independence struggle there.
The almost communistic "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" approach appeals to China's Marxist leaders.
A prominent example was Anahita Ratebzad, who was a major Marxist leader and a member of the Revolutionary Council.
The Marxist leader was eventually forced to flee Tanzania after being charged with masterminding the assassination of Karume in 1972.
The author finds his perfect subject in the one-named Green, the Marxist leader of Scritti Politti.