Though the other five Mattachine members had been part of Harry's Marxist circle, egalitarianism seldom prevailed.
After entering Kazan State University he routinely visit the Marxist circle.
During 1905 Revolution he prepared an armed revolt, organized workers' Marxist circles.
The term was introduced in the 1960s, but it had been articulated in Marxist circles since the 1920s.
He returned to Vilna in 1890, where he joined one of the earliest Marxist circles.
In 1893-1897, he studied at a polytechnic school in Riga and was once arrested for his involvement with Marxist circles.
This remained the established position of the entire anti-capitalist left up until the early 1900s and still holds considerable sway in both anarchist and Marxist circles.
By the mid nineties the most advanced Marxist circles ventured beyond 'propaganda' to mass agitation.
Thus, the 'indifferentist' interpretation of the Manifesto that was customary in 'orthodox' Marxist circles has no justification.
What made the theory a heated subject in Marxist and dependendista circles was the theory's implications about international worker solidarity.