The funeral procession started at the offices of Mr. Kassir's newspaper, An Nahar, near Martyrs Square.
Martyrs Square in the heart of Tripoli has seen many celebrations since the revolution in August, but the mood now is different.
Cars were scarce on Green Square in 1971... and it's now "Martyrs' Square"
The Semiramis is closer to Martyrs Square, where one can find quick inexpensive meals.
"How could you possibly talk to the millions who came down to Martyrs Square in just 20 days?"
There are a couple of booze shops just up from Martyrs Square in Damascus!
The demonstrating started in Martyrs Square, in front of the glass and steel office building of An Nahar.
On Thursday night, thousands of Lebanese converged on Martyrs Square for a candlelight vigil, raising banners inscribed with the word, "Enough."
The Beirut City History Museum is a proposed project by Solidere on an archaeological site north of Martyrs Square.
The centre of Zawiya, Martyrs Square, was taken by rebel forces after a fierce battle.