It may seem strange to say that Mark, having long lived in a world without charity, had nevertheless seldom met anger.
In high school, Mark met and fell in love with his future wife, Joan.
He and Mark had met on the dirt tracks, fighting it out for prize money across the country.
Mark flung Paula aside and met the attack full on.
He and Mark had not met before, but became promptly acquainted, and were soon calling each other by their first names.
Mark has never before met anybody who says, right in the middle of making love, 'Golly, this is fun.'
Mark meets Heinrich's mother in person and she claims that she "must be with him."
Mark met Jesse in 2002 and captured his life story over the course of 7 years.
Mark considers quitting college and then meets up with Allen to show him his father's books.
Mark met no one on the first few meters of this path.