In 2000 Mark Middleton was featured on singer Vibe's song "Tonight's The Night".
The drive for the ordinance was "a holy war that went on for months," said the commission vice chairman, Mark Middleton.
The note was delivered by Mark Middleton, a former White House aide who has denied accusations that he, too, tried to solicit improper donations from abroad.
Asked the same about the Clinton aide Mark Middleton, who may be in a different category, she again had to reveal she had not.
Mark Middleton returned to the fold after he was replaced by Terrell Phillips on 1999's Finally to launch a gospel music career.
This album featured new member, Terrell Phillips after the departure of Mark Middleton.
This was the first album with new members Eric Williams and Mark Middleton.
Mark Middleton, an Arkansan who became a White House political official and later sought business deals in Asia.
Tom Hudson and Mark Middleton are a two-man band who never take on more than a few buyers each.
Mark Middleton & Eric Williams left the group.