The impetus comes from individual designers, like Mark Jacobs, and from trends within the industry.
In 1984, Mark Jacobs created and deployed a commercial gaming site, Gamers World.
Is the idea of vintage Mark Jacobs too confusing?
Anchorwoman was directed by Mark Jacobs, who also was credited as Director of Photography.
Mark Jacobs is the show's co-executive producer and director.
But Mark Jacobs, a United States Embassy spokesman, said about 20 Americans were on board.
Mark Jacobs, Westpac's director, said that he was confident the Clintons would hear about the protest, even though they do not yet live at the house.
Not the same Mark Jacobs.
This show is produced by 3Ball Productions and directed by Mark Jacobs.
In 1991, he was adopted by Mark Jacobs into the Tlingit Dakl'aweidí clan.