Mark Ferber was very knowledgeable about finance, had worked with governments and had a terrific knack for explaining financial things so issuers could understand.
Mr. Rigby plays here with the album's rhythm section of Mike Holober on piano, Cameron Brown on bass and Mark Ferber on drums.
The critically acclaimed recording features Gary Versace on piano, Will Vinson on alto saxophone, Matt Penman on bass, and Mark Ferber on drums.
"This is a case of Mark Ferber's betrayal of the public trust," Mr. O'Connor said in his opening statement to jurors.
Merrill Lynch and Lazard Freres claim that Mark Ferber, then a Lazard partner, assured them that the clients had been informed of the fee-splitting arrangement.
Friedline married Mark Ferber in March 10, 2001.
Mark Ferber died in March 14, 2010.
Dave Allen Trio (Friday) Dave Allen, a progressive-minded guitarist, leads a group with two strong partners, the bassist Carlo De Rosa and the drummer Mark Ferber.
His quintet includes resourceful collaborators like the tenor saxophonist Tony Malaby, the pianist Andy Milne, the bassist Drew Gress and the drummer Mark Ferber.
Two musicians from the album, the tenor saxophonist Seamus Blake and the drummer Mark Ferber, join him here.