John Smith, Mark Dickinson and Paul Sharkey put Whitby in the lead, but on each occasion Ian Scott (twice) and Trevor Laidler equalised.
From left: Grace Taylor, Mark Dickinson and Natalie Allmark, pupils at St Edward's college in Liverpool, which is very successful at getting students into top universities.
In 1998, Kurf left the band and in 1999 was replaced by former Abalienation guitarist, Mark Dickinson.
"Contemplation and Resistance: A conversation [with Tim Lilburn]" reprinted in Lyric Ecology (edited by Mark Dickinson and Clare Goulet, 2010)
The general secretary of the union, Mark Dickinson, added that the accident should serve as a wake-up call to the shipping industry.
The union's head office is in London; its General Secretary is Mark Dickinson.
For Mark Dickinson, a technical manager at the XRT Group, a software company, the payoff from using Web collaboration software is self-evident.
"This Government has done the right thing," said Mark Dickinson, an official of the International Transport Workers' Federation.
Mark Dickinson, of Nautilus International, the maritime professionals' union, said: "Many ships are now effectively small towns at sea, and the sheer number of people on board raises serious questions about evacuation."
"Many ships are now effectively small towns at sea," said Mark Dickinson, general secretary of the union.