The presiding judge, Marilyn Diamond, received death threats in the mail during the proceedings.
Everyone dreams of a powerhouse success like the 1985 "Fit for Life" by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, which made diet-book history with almost two million hard-cover copies in print, or Martin Katahn's "Rotation Diet," the current heavy, with more than a million in print.
Diamond, Harvey, and Marilyn Diamond.
Robbins makes reference to the book Fit for Life and its authors, Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, whom he refers to as his "former partners".
She is a stepdaughter of Marilyn Diamond and Allan Budris.
Mr. Lanteri's parents were not at home, but the party was supervised by two adults, including Matthew's mother, Marilyn Diamond.
FIT FOR LIFE, by Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond.
"Fit for Life" by Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond (Warner).