- Maria Miller, the disability minister, has insisted that the government is not trying to cut spending on disability living allowance by 20%.
What time is Maria Miller due here to lie and dodge questions?
Maria Miller, the families minister, said the problem with the current system was that it "entrenches conflict when families separate".
Not that it matters right now but are we going to see the lies & excuses Maria Miller produced in response to our questions?
Wasn't Maria Miller supposed to turn up to answer questions posed yesterday?
A major problem with Maria Miller is she is not disabled herself.
Sam, have another look at it, especially Maria Millers forward to the original consultation.
The buyer, Maria Miller, had been told that the man, a recluse in his 60's, had died.
I wanted to assess our readers' assertions about how significant the £600m that Maria Miller highlighted is as a proportion of the total savings.
The evidence points to Maria Miller being wrong.