In a March 5 interview, Cole was asked to describe himself for fans who had never seen him.
Patterson first expressed interest in becoming a professional singer in a March 2005 interview.
In a March 2010 interview he expressed optimism that the proposed electoral reforms would be resolved before the 2011 elections.
During a March 1989 interview he said he knew "nothing" about what was recovered.
After his March 2013 interview, Prouty claims to have become the target of physical and legal threats.
In another March 2013 interview, he described his new life in exile.
McCain had seemed open such a possibility in a March 2004 interview, only to have his staff reject it hours later.
Chris stated in a March 2013 interview he was now retired from baseball.
"They should have waited until I died," he said in our March interview.
"I had to ask why a man goes ahead and does this," she said in a March interview with Israeli television.