A Map Behind the attractive old facade lies a connoisseur's paradise, filled with local cheeses, sausages, wines and coffees.
A Map The grim plateresque walls of the Convento de las Descalzas Reales offer no hint that behind the facade lies a sumptuous stronghold of the faith.
A Map Inside an iron-and-glass structure dating to 1874 lies the oldest and largest food market in Florence.
A Map The University of Chiang Mai lies west of the city centre.
A Map The eyes first focus on the dramatic rugged limestone cliffs that rise nearly 300m above the desert plain, a monument made by nature, only to realize that at the foot of all this immense beauty lies a man-made monument even more extraordinary, the dazzling Temple of Hatshepsut.
A Map The real action in Ocean Beach, of course, lies on the sands.
A Map At the northern end of the Theban necropolis lies the Temple of Seti I. Seti I (1294-1279 BC), who also built the superbly decorated temple at Abydos and Karnak's magnificent hypostyle hall, died before this memorial temple was finished, so it was completed by his son Ramses II.
A Map Here lies the epitome of what's beautiful in New York's dining scene - mind-blowing variety, which can cover several continents as well as the whole gamut of budgets in just a single city block.
A Map This cosy grid of shopping streets lies immediately to the north of Strøget.
Maps, in plastic bags, lie stacked on shelves like rolls of carpet at a discount warehouse.