With the manufacturing technology of 1930, this was a serious consideration.
But that process may take until the mid-1990's, because new manufacturing technology must be developed in order for the minute device to have commercial worth.
But with any new manufacturing technology, initial yields are low: on the order of one percent or less.
The 140,000-square-foot plant is a testament to advanced manufacturing technology.
The company is also consolidating efforts to develop new manufacturing technology.
It is hoped that the research will lead to more effective application of new advanced manufacturing technology.
This was not practical for the manufacturing technology of the time, though his concepts were revived a century later.
These updates are based on new scientific research and improved, available manufacturing technologies.
Since the late 1980s, it has also been used to describe generations of the manufacturing technology in the semiconductor industry.
During this time the company also pioneered manufacturing technology that accompanied new state of the art developments.