At the Manhattan shelter last night, dogs howled in the background as two pairs of police officers arrived with tranquilized pit bulls.
Mr. Bonilla burst out of the shelter - no Dee Dee - and demanded that they drive on to the Manhattan shelter.
City officials say they are also looking for other locations to make up for the beds that will be lost when the Manhattan shelter closes.
At the Bide-a-Wee Home Association's Manhattan shelter, the growing numbers of men leaving with cat carriers are hailed as members of a new breed.
A social worker had already found her a room at a Manhattan shelter.
The city had given up day-to-day control of the Manhattan shelter for single women and turned it over to a private operator.
"This is sheer racism," said George P. B. Silberman, a supervisor at a Manhattan shelter passed over for promotion.
But at one Manhattan shelter, 1,200 men were forced to sleep in space normally allocated for 933.
When Geraldine and her family were evicted from their Astoria, Queens, apartment last February after falling behind on the rent, they ended up at a Manhattan shelter.
His first legal job was at Covenant House, a Manhattan shelter for homeless teenagers.