As of today, it is Manhattan Mall.
Retail space is on the lower floors of the building, which once held an Abraham & Straus store and later was named the Manhattan Mall.
It now houses the Manhattan Mall, a variety of individual stores.
In May, his company paid $390 million for the 1.1-million-square-foot Manhattan Mall, now a mixed-use building, on 34th Street and Broadway.
Coming out of the subway at Herald Square, he found himself in Manhattan Mall with time to kill.
He points out, however, that although Argent would like to see the Manhattan Mall do better, by one standard, it is not doing badly.
The old A & S Plaza on 32d and Broadway became Manhattan Mall.
At the Express Women store in the Manhattan Mall last week, most of those sweaters were marked down 40 percent.
I hope she will take that vehicle-free city to its fullest in the Manhattan Mall she envisions.
Manhattan Mall, Level 1, Avenue of the Americas and 33rd Street, (212) 244-7381.