It is located at 301 North Mango Street.
The House on Mango Street is made up of vignettes that are not quite poems and not quite full stories.
The house on Mango Street isn't it.
Esperanza's traumatic experiences and observations of the women in her neighborhood cement her desire to escape Mango Street.
She later realizes that she will never fully be able to leave Mango Street behind.
Esperanza exclaims that Mango Street does not hold her in both arms, it sets her free.
Esperanza regards the house on Mango Street as simply a house she lives in with her family.
She dislikes the house on Mango Street because its sad appearance and cramped quarters are completely contrary to the idealistic home she always wanted.
Mango Street runs north-south across the slope.
I didn't want 'The House on Mango Street.'