However, the Manchester police praised Tyson for denouncing shootings in the city at his news conference yesterday.
Manchester police charged a man in a matter of days.
Early this morning Manchester police announced that a senior officer, accompanied by a family liaison officer, are to fly to India today to meet the family.
Frantically, they tracked down numbers for Manchester police, calling the control four or five times.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was called in almost immediately, as Manchester police suspected the videos and pictures had been produced out of state.
Manchester police had followed up every report of a sighting, but none had led them to the vanished girl.
Manchester police believe it took the 'mole gang' about six months to dig the tunnel, above.
Manchester police hope to allow the media into the tunnel on Monday.
A spokeswoman for the Manchester police said the three men arrested tonight were North Africans.
Manchester police used Twitter to celebrate the five-month sentence; they later apologised and removed the tweet.