This was the same for South Africans of Malaysian and Filipino descent who were also classified as part of the Coloured race and thus considered "not-white".
Phillips was born in Hawaii, U.S. and is of Malaysian descent on her mother's side.
Malaysians in India consists of expatriates and international students from Malaysia as well as Indian people of Malaysian descent.
He is of Malaysian Chinese descent, and his parents are from Kudat and Sandakan, two small towns in Sabah, Malaysia.
The group was founded by Manuel K. Amalilio, a Filipino of Malaysian descent.
Lean is of Malaysian Chinese descent with Tahitiian lineage from the maternal side of her family.
Hii King Chiong is a Malaysian Chinese and of Foochow descent.
He is presently married to immigrant Florence (nee Low) Sloan who is of Malaysian Chinese descent.
Ang was born in Christchurch of Malaysian descent.
A Malaysian Canadian is a Canadian of Malaysian descent.